December 30, 2009
I was honored to shoot this event is support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria. It was a formal night full of fun, dancing, drinking and overall merriness.
The brains of the annual event, Erin Smith and Donald Peterson put a crazy amount into this each year and it definitely shows, be sure to get your ticket for next year!
For those of you who attended this event and would like to see/download all the images, check out my smugmug account (you can right-click and save any image). Thanks!
(for more information, please visit
Congrats to whoever received my photo shoot in the silent auction – I look forward to working with you in the new year!
this is during the set-up
and after when the party got bumpin’
Erin and Maggie overseeing the decorating progress
dancing and the silent auction
Erin and her crew of nurses
this is where my shoes ended up