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the journal

Lots to catch up on! Every year around March, I get to go to Vegas to attend the WPPI photography convention. That stands for Weddings and Portrait Photographers International, and with around 10 thousand photographers attending, that makes it the largest photography convention in the world. I’ve been a member of WPPI for a few […]

This is my friend Ashleigh. She is beautiful inside and out and from the moment I met her, I knew that I would have to photograph those freckles! We are both from the Okanagan, and were there over the Christmas Holidays recently. If there’s one thing I like as much as freckles, it’s white snow […]

I love shooting weddings and all things awesome like that, but at least once a year I try to orchestrate an all-out  over the top fashion shoot. These are the kind of artistic projects that make me feel giddy while I’m planning and shooting. Plus, it’s one of the only areas where I actively work […]

Nothing says romantic like a graveyard! Not really, but it does provide an interesting juxta position for some enchanting imagery. Luckily, Brittany was completely on board when I suggested this random locale, and she totally brought the mysterious vibe I was looking for. It has actually inspired me to do a whole haunting fashion series […]